Yarmouth Direct Primary Care
John Daggett, MD
Board Certified Internal Medicine Physician
"I have been a general internal medicine physician for 7 years, and truly enjoy caring for patients. In creating this practice, I am committed to creating a better primary care experience for my patients through commitment to access, availability, and the time needed to focus on your health!" --- Dr. John​​​​​​​​​​
Now enrolling patients!
Full website coming soon!
​Primary care should be accessible, and personable.
It shouldn't be difficult to see and connect with your physician.
With a small patient panel and flexible approach, this primary care experience will be different.
Unlimited access to your physician -- in person, telehealth, text, and email.​
Same day appointments. House calls. Mobile medicine. ​
Comprehensive care, including acute care, chronic disease management, preventative medicine, mental healthcare, addiction medicine.
​Discounted prescriptions, labs, imaging, and diagnostics.
Great option for individuals and businesses alike! ​​
Practice launching January, 2025!
Now enrolling patients 18 years and older!
Partner with a dedicated physician to take control of your health.
Fill out the form or email below to learn more!
Yarmouth Direct Primary Care, PLLC
​John Daggett, MD
500 US Route One
Yarmouth, ME 04096​